Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 2 - Draft Meeting Space



ElectroLiquid Aggregation Quote

"I attribute my unfailing to this, patience, and that I never gave or took any excuse."

Florence Nightingale,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


That I did not fail was due in part to patience....

Jane Goodall,

When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have

Stephen Hawking,

I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse.

Florence Nightingale,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Animations EXP1

Flowing Roof

Top Stairs and Gallery

Lower Stairs Descend

Final Sketchup Model

General View

Lower Stairs
Upper Stairs

Gallery Space

36 Textures

18 Sections

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Video relating to EXP1

EXP1 - Sea Cliff Bridge, NSW South Coast

This video I took has some connection to the experiment.

Firstly it is a structure, just like the building. The materials are similar and in a way it does form 'space' above and underneath itself.

Also the design of the bridge coincides with the words used: flowing and dry.
Dry in the sense when you compare it to the ocean the concrete does seem dry.

Describing the materials and production methods used by the artists

Ricky Swallow - Younger Than Yesterday

The materials and methods Ricky Swallow used in creating this sculpture are interesting.

The material that the skull is made of is wood, and this gives it it’s dry feeling. The reality it depicts is far from the material chosen to represent it, wood not being bone, but in a sense it does relate as they are both organic materials.

Using woodworking tools and care in the crafting of this sculpture, Swallow had to carve the skull out of a block of wood. This would have taken considerable skill and time. Once the general shape of the figure had been formed, a sanding of the surface of the wood to make a smooth surface would have been done to make the sculpture as realistic as it does look.

Sidney Nolan - Kelly

This is a painting, paint on board. As this is a painting, there are limited materials that it could have been made out of. Mainly it is the techniques and ideas behind the artworks intent and purpose that allows Nolan to create his works.

The painting would have been done in a studio, on an easel. Using the paints and a brush, Nolan would have had to paint the picture onto board, building up the image as he intended.

Week 3 - Draft Model and Sections

Roof: Corrugated steel
Floor: Timber
Roof Supports: Steel
Walls/Windows: Glass

Stairs: Sandstone
Building Supports: SteelWalls: Concrete
Roof: Prefabricated reinforced concrete
Floor: Tile/Carpet
Section of the buildingNotebook sketches

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Something Beautiful - Week 3

To many this is not exactly beautiful.
But I have been fascinated by the sport of rallying for a long time, especially the WRC.
The sport combines many things cars, skill and dedication.

Week 2 - Stairs

Page from sketchbook:
Stair: Flowing
Material: Reinforced concrete, marbleStair: Dry
Material: Reinforced concrete